As a participant, you'll get digital directions, info for all of the events we're attending, prep guides, group chat access, and a daily info packet for each day you'll be on the road with us.
You'll get an info packet emailed to you for each day you sign up to drive. These packets will have important information regarding the day's agenda, meeting points, directions, and more.
We'll be attending and hosting multiple fun events, shows, dinners, and more along this journey. It'll be a great networking opportunity to speak with fellow Porsche owners and auto enthusiasts alike from across the country!
Our prep guides will ensure both you and your vehicle are ready to hit the open road. Whether your with us for a few miles or a few states, we'll make sure you're up to speed.
All our participants will get access to our Discord community, where you can communicate in text, audio, or video channels about the routes ahead, organize small groups, and more.